So, you've decided to lose some weight.
That's great!
There are so many benefits that go along with losing weight and finding a healthy weight that you can maintain, from having more confidence to being more healthy.
And this article will help you because there's a lot of advice out there about how to lose weight and secret tips, but really there are 5 things you need to do, and this article explains exactly what they are.
5 Most Effective Tips for Weight Loss
Exercise - as much as some people try to avoid this, weight loss is not going to happen in a healthy way unless you exercise. And there are so many different types of exercise for you to choose from, you're sure to find some you will enjoy. Exercise is also a good example of changing your lifestyle so you focus on a healthier life instead of food being your main interest. Remember to exercise at least 3 times a week and make sure the exercise raises your heart rate, otherwise it won't lead to weight loss. It's no good to walk very slowly, for example, that won't make you lose weight.
Diet - don't go following fad diets that only let you eat one or two things, or the diets that cut off whole food groups. Just build a sensible, healthy diet that gives you plenty of nutrients and enough calories but not too many. There's lots of information available about building a sensible diet if you just make an effort to find it and put it into practice.
Supplements - you lose weight easiest when your body is receiving the correct balance of nutrients. This makes fat loss easier, speeds up your metabolism and allows your food to be digested properly. The supplements you should take depend on many different factors, and you should never go and buy supermarket brands as they are full of artificial rubbish, so speak to a professional nutritionist who will put together a supplement programme for you.
Water - the more hydrated your body is, the easier it will be for you to lose weight. So drink plenty of water - at least 2 litres a day - and make it as cold as possible as that kickstarts your metabolism and puts your body in weight loss mode.
Positive thinking - it might sound wacky, but the more positively you think about your new healthy lifestyle, the more you will enjoy it - which will increase your chances of succeeding with your weight loss goal. The more you believe you will be successful, the more chance you have of succeeding. So make positive thinking a part of your weight loss too.
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