As you pass your way and look up and see gigantic billboards asking you to participate in your weight lose programs, as you scan the daily news papers you find dozens of ads on how to be smart and look like your favorite film stars by losing weight, yet you never get the right motivation to climb that tough hill which gives you smart looks and a feather light body. You hear your close friends telling you how they lost the weight and then gained more weight within no time as the thousand watt lamp of motivation faded within no time inducing them to gain more weight. So how to build up this much desired motivation? The most important key is motivation, this keeps the lamp burning and enables you to glow as a slim, trim fat-free collection of healthy bones. Even modest amounts of weight loss can improve your health significantly. Loss of 10% of body weight can reduce blood pressure, high cholesterol, triglyceride, and high blood sugar levels
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You success therefore is not the diet, not the calculation of calories of every pinch of your intake, but your psychological preparedness to look healthy, trim, and fit.
The weight loss industry remains huge, with a worldwide, estimated revenue of over $60 billion per year, with no signs of slowing down. Obesity in the United States is increasingly on the high.
When your motivation is the strongest, that's when you are most successful in losing your weight and looking healthy, trim and fit. Like the radius of a circle you should never be short in your approach. Most of the time it becomes a spiral with the center of the circle and losing its identity. So long as you think of the radius you are successful throughout the program and beyond. It is the same radius which will help you maintain your superb new shape later on.
Motivation Tip 1.
You see your favorite film star on the T.V. His/ Her looks are overpowering. You have got everything that the hero has got, then why should you be behind him in your looks, weight and the topography? A desire is born in you. This is the most important aspect of your program. You should keep this desire burning to make your program a success. Your desire has a greater say than your Will Power. Set your desire on wild fire so that it engulfs your lethargy and your habit of lying down on the sofa to watch the T.V. Your desire will be a torrent which will take care to drive away every pinch of calorie loaded food branding it as a toxin.
Let this desire make a list of various reasons for losing weight and what is branded as toxins. Going through a list will be the first priority in the morning followed by a strict audit of what has been gained or lost in the previous 24 hours. A record and graph of the weight fluctuations should be maintained to the minutest detail.
Motivation Tip 2.
Weight loss is a behavior and mind based problem that can be cured by the Law of Attraction, which is a form of self-hypnosis.. Command your mind to see that the weight is reduced in a certain proportion every week. This procedure never fails as the power of mind over the body is limitless. The message lodged deep into your brain supports your decision to lose weight constantly. Hypnosis helps you get the willpower to lose weight effectively. It overshadows the part of the mind that gives you that urge to eat foods that are not good for you like rich desserts and fried foods. If you are motivated, hypnosis can help absolutely. Your subconscious mind has the power to end your struggle with food.
You can become your own mastermind using a sort of ZEN OF THINmentality. Using the Law of Attraction is a form of hypnosis and it changes the way you think about food. You can train your brain to lose cravings for unhealthy food, overeating decreases and weight gradually is reduced. The unconscious mind can be programmed to use stressful thoughts as a trigger for relaxing thoughts. It is a blueprint for future slimness and better shape. The unconscious mind is given a detailed game plan to act upon. We as human beings are always unconsciously manipulating our existence. Learn to use the Law of Attraction to guide you on your road to thin.
Hypnosis today earns a large portion of its success through the aid of weight loss (body sculpting).
Motivation Tip 3.
Imagine already having achieved success. You are the replica of a slim and trim figure of your favorite film star. Your figure is such that you are a challenge to his personality. Imagine you are passing through the street and people are greeting you as some one having overtaken the number one hero of the country. How you will feel? How you will react to these people. Your burning desire has picked up greater force and you need to keep it up.
Motivation Tip 4.
If people are calling you by names behind your back you can take it as a blessing. They are only reminding you to shed that extra weight. In that case you need extra mileage for the desired focus. You should look for innovative methods to circumvent the burning desire. Classify certain days as Sacred days or weight loss motivation days. Your birthday, all birthdays of your kids or brothers/sisters, parents, your annual vacation are all slimming days. Each sacred day should have a target weight shedding schedule. There should always be an improvement in the targeted reduction of weight.
Motivation Tip 5.
Reward yourself when you have met the targets and the desired weight has been reduced - not by a hearty lunch but by anything other than food intake. Meet a friend whom you had a desire to see for the last many years. Or buy your favorite book as a reward. Attach some annexure too while the reward process is being executed. For example you will go to the book shop by walking fast, (not using car, bus or train) you will avoid having cream cake on the way and eat instead a good fruit which will give you more fiber and less fat.
Motivation Tip 6.
Watch out your metamorphosis from a baggy cocoon into a slim cigar using a camera. Start from Day 1 of your program. Keep track by clicking your pictures every Sunday in the same fit costume and see the improvement in the photographs and how the costume - say your swimsuit - attains a disproportionate size as your skin is rinsed of the unwanted fat. Show these to your friends and well wishers and hear their comments. Each of them will have a story to tell about their own slimming experiences. Going back to tip three, get a picture of yourself of how you would look after looking the weight. Some companies offer these as custom photo magnets you can place on your fridge, or cards you can keep in your wallet. You will gain valuable knowledge as you share your weight loss marathons.
Motivation Tip 7.
Build up a an information collection about losing weight. There are dozens of websites, magazines, e-zines which tell you everything about losing weight, hazards of bad food, histories of people who are over weight and are unable to lose weight except with the risk to their lives. You will find very interesting episodes in Discovery and other channels on your T.V. The purpose in short is to keep your thinking canalized on losing weight all the time. These are unconscious commands to your mind to effect the desired change in your weight.
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